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Fire & Water - Cleanup & Restoration

Prevent Basement Flooding

9/21/2018 (Permalink)

April showers bring May flowers! The spring time can be a very moist season. This week for example, has a large amount of rain predicted in the forecast. Forecasters have even issued a flash flooding storm watch lasting several days.

All of this rain may have you thinking about ways you can prevent basement flooding this spring. Whether you have a finished or unfinished basement area, a flooded basement can be very stressful.

Take the following steps to prevent a flooded basement:

  • Keep gutters and downspouts free from any debris. Clear out any leaves, gravel or anything else that may have formed a blockade in your gutters and downspouts.
  • Make sure downspouts face away from your home. If the ground around your downspout has a slant, make sure that when the downspout empties the water is not going to flow back towards your home.
  • Fill cracks in the foundation with an epoxy.
  • Check your sump pump. Make sure the area is cleared from debris and that your pump is in good working order. You may want to have a back up sump pump or an alternative electrical source for the sump pump in case the power goes out.
  • Examine sewer systems and septic tanks.
  • Install window wells on any windows that lead to a lower level. Check the window to make sure it is water tight.
  • Check over your homeowner’s insurance policy to make sure you have the correct coverage. We often find that homeowners do not have a sump pump rider on their policy; therefore there is no coverage when a sump pump fails.

It is important to take the right precautions. Completing these steps will not be full proof to preventing water damage. However, it will minimize the risks.

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